Average liquidity coin age (ALCA) and liquidity coindays destroyed SMA (LCDDSMA) – a new metric for stickiness of liquidity in a liquidity pool

How to measure liquidity flow

Liquidity is flowing into AMM pools and is flowing out again. How to measure this flow?

Average liquidity coin age (ALCA)

To represent the stickiness of liquidity in one pool I came up with average liquidity coin age. Coin age metric is well-known for full block chains, but I never did see this calculated for AMM Pools. To make this simple, we use days to measure the duration of this.

1 liquidity coin for 30 days = 30 LCA
2 liquidity coin for 10 days = 20 LCA

Average LCA would be 25 LCA for this pool.

Liquidity coindays destroyed SMA for outflow measurement

Another metric is liquidity coindays destroyed. This metric would measure the outflow more accurate. On every withdraw the coin age value of this withdraw is measured and a simple moving average calculated over 1day/1week.


Withdraw for 1 liquidity coin which has stayed in the pool for 30 days will result in 30 LCAD
Withdraw for 2 liquidity coin which has stayed in the pool for 10 days will result in 20 LCAD

Now calculate a sum of all LCAD over a timeframe of 30 days and divide this with 30 you will get Liquidity coindays destroyed moving average.

Feeback over Twitter please: https://twitter.com/martinkrung/status/1301177253687185412?s=20


Cell – an autonomous evolutionary primitive for a new finance

Trying to fall into sleep yesterday a had another spark of insight into the future of finance and crypto. After almost 10 years of spending time researching crypto stuff, my brain just keeps spitting out this stuff.

Normally coins are passive matter, they can't move for themself, they are being moved from A to B from outside. If you look on an algo trading system, the algo is trading the coins or the connected pairs. With crypto this can be very different.

Will write this down in the futur (Next 10 years). It's quite complex and I don't think it's possible to implement this with the stage of crypto right now.

Vampire Attack – an attack on liquidity dependent protocols

Vampire Attack (Vampire Mining) - an attack on liquidity dependent protocols

Here we have dark scenario for liquidity dependent projects called the vampire attack. In the interest of keeping DeFi projects secure and behaving as intended, liquidity lock-up or sufficient time-based rewards for locking up liquidity provider should be implemented. This attack uses migration mining.

Simple Vampire Attack

  1. Clone a project A (from its smart contracts to even its front-end). Project A has no token yet, but earns fees on token volume.
  2. Implement migration mining from project A to project B. Simply, give $b to people who migrate liquidity from A to B.
  3. Implement governance and start sharing revenue to tokenholders holding $b.
  4. Attack will be successful if Project A is drained of sufficient liquidity.

Advanced Vampire Attack

A combination of migration mining, leverage shorting Project A's tokens ($a) and going leverage long Project B's tokens ($b).

  1. Capital accumulation: sell $vampire over a bonding curve end get $usd into treasury.
  2. With 1/2 of the treasury you go to a lending market and lend as much $a as you can.
  3. With the other part you buy $b and put it into lending to leverage long (buying more $b)
  4. Implement migration mining from project A to project B. Simply, give $vampire to those who migrate liquidity from A to B. In parallel start selling $a to lower the price. With a portion, leverage up by lending more $a on a lending market and sell this too. With the other portion, buy more $b from project B.
  5. People start migrating liquidity from project A to B to earn $vampire. The price of $a is expected to crash (because without liquidity, the project is worthless and has no revenue). Expect the price of $b to start rising.
  6. Now buy back the now worthless $a, pay off the incurred debt, and get your initial $usd with leverage back and put it into the treasury.
  7. Distribute the $usd and $b to the people having $vampire

A Vampire Attack is a simple "hack" but has wide implications:

  • The era of free liquidity flow is over. Liquidity migration itself has to be rewarded as migration mining.

  • Projects will have to pay for liquidity lock-up rather than contend with free floating liquidity

  • Liquidity owners can become protocol owners with no or little risk

  • Shorting/Longing entire projects are now possible with this strategy (Advanced Vampire Attack)

  • Advanced Vampire Attacks share characteristics with flash loan attacks but is slower

  • Private owned projects who are liquidity dependent have a high risk of vampire attacks

  • Every liquidity dependent project needs lock-up periods or a form of compounding rewards for long-term liquidity provider

Executive Summary for non crypto people

Imagine two traditional banks (A and B) which have similar services.

B is very new and has no liquidity. So B decides to distribute shares and a reward for the liquidity you bring in. B knows that A is dependent on liquidity, as is every bank. So B takes out a loan somewhere, buys shares of A (with leverage) and sells these on the market.

Then B tells every customer of A that it has a plan to suck out A's liquidity, distribute its own shares, and offer a reward as incentivization. If successful, people will start to migrate liquidity from A to B. (Incoming liquidity would have a lock-up period and you would receive more shares the longer you lock-up)

A cannot stop liquidity outflow because customers can do this electronically without permission. This results in A going bust and the value of A's shares drops to zero. To finalize the scheme, B pays back the now worthless shares from A and distributes the profits as rewards for its own shareholders.

Tweet from 2020-08-25 about the vampire attack: https://twitter.com/martinkrung/status/1298363320270032897?s=20
Many thanks to Daniel Hwang for corrections.

Migration Mining (MM) – a new form of incentive for crypto projects to get liquidity into a liquidity dependent protocol

Migration Mining (MM), a new mining variant

Migration Mining (MM) - a new form of incentive for crypto projects to get liquidity into a liquidity dependent protocol.

Executive Summary

Migration minings (MM) goal is to suck liquidity from project A to B. It has 6 main purposes:

  1. Minimal cost for project B to get a lot of liquidity rewarded by project token B
  2. Lock-up migrated liquidity in project B for an extended time
  3. Have a clear target group with existing liquidity provider on project A
  4. Make migration more easy, because it only needs 1 tx (and no waiting time for get several tx to get mined)
  5. Allow small pool owner to migrate with minimal cost, because migrate is rewarded by project token B and payed by others.
  6. Meme Power, because its something new! Migration mining woke - Liquidity mining broke!

User story for migration with migration mining

User visits migration page of target project B and will see a list of liquidity token he/she owns from project A. Now he/she selects one or several token and makes an approval tx to every liquidity token from A and can individually set a lock-up period from 60-360 days.

Reward in project token B is calculated and shown. He/she makes an approval tx to liquidity token and makes a tx to set the lock-up period. Then he/she waits until migration is completed.

Under the hood

  1. User approves liquidity token from A with one tx
  2. User set a lock-up period with another tx
  3. Somebody calls migrate for the contract and pays for the gas, (this person gets project token B for paying eth needed for the migration)
  4. migrate:
    • withdraw liquidity from project A -> get liquidity from project A
    • supply liquidity to project B -> put liquidity to project B with a lock-up period
    • send dust of unused liquidity back to owner
    • send reward token to owner

migration mining adds a lot of complexity to migration

  1. rewards in project token B should be based on $ value

    • for $ stablecoin pools this is easy to calculate (2x the stablecoin)
    • for eth pools an oracle is needed
    • for other pools without $ stablecoin or eth at least 1 oracle is needed
  2. To prevent migration washing a lock-up period must be applied for a time range from 60 to 360 days. This also has the very important side effect not only to migrate liquidity but also to hold!

  3. To prevent people adding liquidity to project A for migration mining to project B a whitelist/snapshot has to be done (But how? And why should project B care about this?)

  4. How to make this fair? Is it a fixed pool of project token B to distribute or is bound on migrated value? How long do we allow migration mining? Maximal duration is the minimum lock-up period. If we pay people calling migrate and pay them in project token B how do we adjust changing gas price?


  • It opens up a liquidity war with project A (And ad lot of additional stress for ethereum)
  • If successfull, other projects will make migration mining too and this time project B may lose liquidity
  • How does-lock up work? This has to be implemented in project B and adds complexity and additional risk to the protocol.

Further thoughts

  • If standard liquidity mining is done, an incentivize lock-up period may be a good idea anyway, if reward is adjusted accordingly!

  • To do this right, it's a lot of work, needs audit and UX has to be slik!

    by martin krung 2020-08-23

Simple migration, as impemented by https://1inch.exchange


Code here: https://github.com/CryptoManiacsZone/1inchProtocol/blob/feature/mooniswap-migration/contracts/OneSplitMooniswapMigration.sol

User story for simple migration

User visits migration page of target project B and will see a list of liquidity token he/she owns from project A. Now he/she selects one or several token and makes an approve tx to every liquidity token from A. Then he/she waits until migration is completed.

Under the hood

  1. User approve liquidity token from A with one tx
  2. Somebody calls migrate for the contract and pays for the gas
  3. migrate:
    • withdraw liquidity from project A -> get liquidity from project A
    • supply liquidity to project B -> put liquidity to project B
    • send dust of unused liquidity back to owner

Head Issuance – Seigniorage to the people

This article is unfinished and very raw. I'am currently working on a paper about this. (2020-11-20)

Head Issuance - Seigniorage and money is distributed directly to everyone. Think helicopter money only, no other money distribution! Seigniorage to the people!

Helicopter money

Helicopter money is the distribution of money to everyone to get inflation back. If an economy is stuck with a deflationary scenario this should be a solution for central bank to restart the economy by creating inflation and to speed up velocity of cash.

Helicopter money has been discussed widely as a solution of last resort, but not implemented anywhere. Some countries distributed cash in the COVID-19 pandemia, notably the US. This cash was coming from the government, not directly from the printing press.

Head Issuance

Head Issuance is a similar concept like helicopter money. Head issuance is a far more radical approach. Money distribution will be solely over people. This way seigniorage will be distributed fairly. By raising or lower the monthly distribution inflation can be controlled. People will still bring the excess money to commercial banks, and the banking system will work the same way they do now.

Head issuance can be viewed as a move back to the roots of money: Before coins of precious metals have been used, natural things like shell or cacao beans have been used as neutral means of exchange. Distribution of natural money was decentralized innately, no central entity head control over it.

Later, with the start of constitution of governmental bodies, these entities started to create standardized coins and push the acceptance of these coins by paying and taxing people in these currencies.

These institutions could only create money in a centralized way because money had to be physical and there was no other way to distribute.

Digitalization of money and the development of blockchain and programmable money created the opportunity to distribute these currencies over the internet in a trust less way. New concepts of money distribution are finally possible.

-- raw stuff --

At first, as money mostly a relativly rar and uniform good was choosen like shell money, cocoa beans.

To make it fungible mostly a relativly rar and uniform good was choosen like shell money, cocoa beans [1] and later silver and gold. Shell money did produce themself, so collecting was all it needed. Cocoa beans needed to be farmed by people. Precious metal needed minting and a form of distribution.

The power to create coins always was in the hand of the powerfull. Minting has been done by lings, landlords and and later by nations. Precious metal needed minting and a form of distribution. As long as money consisted of precious metals and other rare money-like things, the money creation profit was small. This difference in value between the bare gold and the minted coin is called seigniorage.

This profit change with the introduction of fiat money, you print a $100 paper bill for 0.15 and and get a seigniorage of $99.85. Today this profit is given to the goverment.

Until the invention of Computer and Computer networks money was bound to physical things.

It therefore had to be produced centrally and put into circulation.







Seigniorage: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Seigniorage


How to wrap ETH to WETH (on testnet or even mainnet)

How to wrap ETH to WETH on testnet

Look for the corresponding contract in this article:


For Rinkeby its: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab

Go to the Contract > Write Contract and to connect your wallet, click on "Connect on Web3"

Go to function "5. deposit" and write the amount of ETH you would like to wrap to WETH, Click "Write" and wait until your tx is mined

Ampleforth – a supply adjusted stablecoin.



LP Pools

Balancer has very tiny LP Pools for AMPL with 0.3% fee, the same fee level as uniswap:



The supply will be changed with a rebase function in the ERC20 AMPL contract happening daily at 2:00 am UTC or 4:00 am CEST.

Rebase transaction for Jul-01-2020, + 9.64% [1]


The address who does this daily rebase:

[1] https://www.ampleforth.org/dashboard/supply

More to read:


Reading List



https://crv.to/ (a nice curve front-end)



Curve Market Data: https://curvemarketcap.com
FTX whitepaper: https://ftx.com/static/media/ftt-white-paper.92bb0d80.pdf

Dapp: https://app.dusd.finance/
DFD/DUSD Pool: https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0xd8e9690eff99e21a2de25e0b148ffaf47f47c972/
DUSD/USDC Pool: https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0xed5ad5f258eef6a9745042bde7d46e8a5254c183/
Docs: https://docs.dusd.finance/



SNX Staking: https://blog.synthetix.io/what-you-need-to-know-before-staking-snx-for-the-first-time/

Filecoin Block Explorer: https://filfox.info/en
Filecoin Storage Price: https://filstats.com/

Grid+ Lattic Shipping: https://blog.gridplus.io/from-idea-to-reality-the-first-lattice1-hardware-wallets-have-shipped-5e9672e89c32

N with arrow: https://www.google.com/search?q=symbol+n+arrow+squatting
N with arrow: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13604813.2019.1615772?journalCode=ccit20

Swiss Crypto Fund: https://cryptoconsultingag.ch/
Tx Street: https://txstreet.com/v/eth

Snowswap Data: https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/MUwFKPGRk7FaVh2YhFpRUNmHnx2V1gSyhybYRpPj

Harvest ($farm) https://medium.com/@harvestfinance/week-8-update-welcome-to-the-good-life-migration-complete-cf72137fc6eb

Liquidity based inflationary token: https://andrecronje.medium.com/crypto-economics-perpetual-liquidity-and-il-offsets-197558347a53

harvast.finance economial attack

Repeatably did this, $66M each on curve:


Twitter Analysts on this even:

My take:

energyweb $EWT






Tensorflow in Browser: http://playground.tensorflow.org
Number recognition in Browser and visualisation: https://www.cs.ryerson.ca/~aharley/vis/conv/flat.html
DeepFaceDrawing Impementation/Upload: http://www.geometrylearning.com:3000/index_EN_621.html
DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches: http://geometrylearning.com/DeepFaceDrawing/

DraculaProtocol Security audit: https://github.com/valo/publications/blob/cdda80e28a9462dc1761c214f18ee247ee682a0e/Smart%20Contract%20Reviews/Dracula%20Protocol/Dracula%20Protocol%20Security%20Review.md
DraculaProtocol Treasury: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb78b3320493a4efaa1028130c5ba26f0b6085ef8?a=0xa896e4bd97a733f049b23d2aceb091bce01f298d#tokenAnalytics
DraculaProtocol and opportunisic liquidity: https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/fmGA4QkiKhLXzaWM6K6kqVE5lUJDnrVRPIF3J9IV
DraculaProtocol: https://dracula.sucks/

Gas Price Charts: https://explore.duneanalytics.com/public/dashboards/ZN89dYu9g2ErUDWhEJJbLlsXxZRAiOprTL0eGdU6
Skale Mainnet: https://countdown.skale.network/
Skale Tokenomics: https://skale.network/token/
Snowswap Tokenomics and Distribution: https://medium.com/snowswap/f-k-making-it-rain-were-making-it-snow-e60b64ad1292
Snowswap: https://snowswap.org


Gas Usage Chart: https://ethereumprice.org/gas/
NFT on etherscan: https://etherscan.io/tokens-nft
$SAFE: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/yieldfarming-insure
Stats about yInsureNFT from Nexus: https://stats.finance/yinsure
Dodos claim to have solved Impermanent loss: https://medium.com/dodoex/why-there-is-no-impermanent-loss-on-dodo-4d82b2b532bc
$SAFE mining https://yieldfarming.insure/
$SAFE https://medium.com/@yieldfarminginsure/week-1-of-launch-6b5b7fd5b108
yearn inssurance dapp: https://yinsure.finance/
yVault ROI: https://yvault-roi.netlify.app/
Toxic Flow and AMM: https://insights.deribit.com/market-research/toxic-flow-its-sources-and-counter-strategies/
My thoughts about sashimiswap: https://twitter.com/martinkrung/status/1304417323902787586?s=20
Data insight for Daps: https://dappradar.com/
Mooniswap Data Insight: https://mooniswap.info/
Sashimi: https://sashimi.cool/
Sashimi Gov: https://snapshot.sashimi.cool/
1inch expandes to Tron: https://medium.com/@1inch.exchange/1inch-partners-with-tron-for-justswap-and-mooniswap-integration-101fb6dbee36
Sushiswap Data Insight: https://sushiswap.vision/
Codebase for DxDao: https://dxdao.eth.link/#/codebase
A Dashboard for DAOs: https://deepdao.world
What is Perpetual Protocol: https://medium.com/@perpetualprotocol/what-is-perpetual-protocol-36db9db89169
Perpetual Protocol Token Sale: https://perp.fi/lbp/
Token Distribution with Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool from Balancer: https://docs.perp.fi/getting-started/token-distribution-faq
Vollgeld: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vollgeld-System
Seigniorage und Notenbankgewinn: https://www.snb.ch/de/mmr/reference/quartbul_1998_4/source/quartbul_1998_4.de.pdf
Seigniorage and the Transfer of Central Bank Profits to the Government: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-6435.00038

Seigniorage: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/seigniorage.asp
SushiSwap's Vampire Scheme: https://thedefiant.substack.com/p/sushiswaps-vampire-scheme-hours-away
First YFI Newsletter: https://yearn.substack.com/p/yearn-finance-newsletter-1

August 2020

Dusd App: https://app.dusd.finance/
Yearn Dashboard: https://feel-the-yearn.app/
Spartan Protocol: https://medium.com/@spartanprotocol/announcing-the-spartan-protocol-e15af93a8a8f
Signum and Galuxus testing DCHF https://www.startupticker.ch/en/news/august-2020/replacing-cards-by-a-bank-issued-stablecoin-for-e-commerce-transactions
"Vampire Mining" https://yieldfarmer.substack.com/p/sushiswap-vampire-mining-alpha-tractor citing my Vampire Attack and Migratin Mining Articles
Sushi overview Dashboard: https://sushi.zippo.io/
Sushiswap App: https://sushiswap.org/
About Sushiswap: https://medium.com/sushiswap/the-sushiswap-project-c4049ea9941e
Tokenomics of NXM: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1292500127047979014.html
Mooniswap, a AMM with less impermanent loss: https://medium.com/@1inch.exchange/1inch-revolutionizes-automated-market-maker-amm-segment-with-mooniswap-e068c20d94c
Short version about Mooniswap: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/74454/1inch-launches-automated-market-maker-mooniswap
Polkadot vs Cosmos : https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-comparisons-cosmos
Polkadot vs ETH2: https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-comparisons-ethereum-2

July 2020

About Shell and cowri: https://cryptobriefing.com/project-spotlight-cowri-labs-shell-protocol/
Nexus Mutual Understanding pooled staking: https://medium.com/nexus-mutual/understanding-pooled-staking-a32d1bca843d
The State of AMMs: https://defiweekly.substack.com/p/the-state-of-amms-462
MTA / musd: https://medium.com/mstable/our-new-meta-mta-genesis-event-9e5bdd1890c8
Mint msud: https://app.mstable.org/
musd on defipuls: https://defipulse.com/blog/introducing-mstable/
Ampl/geyser: https://www.ampltalk.org/app/forum/ampl-geyser-19/topic/geyser-post-launch-faqs-41/
About $hodl: https://www.dfohub.com/
Airswap/$AST: https://research.binance.com/en/projects/airswap
Monolith / $TKN https://medium.com/monolith/monolith-dex-the-defi-one-stop-shop-2ba1166197da
Monolith Card Homepage: https://monolith.xyz
More on Kyber Fed Price Reserve: https://blog.kyber.network/kyber-automated-price-reserve-apr-capital-efficient-low-slippage-market-making-97886db6498d
Kyber Fed Price Reserve: https://blog.kyber.network/kyber-fed-price-reserve-fpr-on-chain-market-making-for-professionals-7fea29ceac6c
KybersDaos first vote: https://gist.github.com/mingyeow/5ef4380f75d4b368d8fa8ea61666c13c
MCDEX Liquidity Mining Guide: https://medium.com/@montecarlodex/mcdex-liquidity-mining-guide-d928f3383b7b
What is MCDEX? https://defipulse.com/blog/mcdex/
Next 6-12 month on Ethereum: https://twitter.com/R_Tyler_Smith/status/1280545450572099584
Coinbase futurs: https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-exploring-stock-market-listing-reuters-reports
Kyber Dao is Live: https://blog.kyber.network/katalyst-and-kyberdao-are-now-live-19ee6a6eb77e#8d16
Busiest ERC 20 DAP in June: https://insights.santiment.net/read/here's-what-june's-busiest-erc-20-dapps-have-been-working-on%F0%9F%8F%97%EF%B8%8F-5894
Ampleforth 30 days -> 10 days adjustments: https://medium.com/ampleforth/ampleforth-update-we-are-speeding-up-supply-adjustments-57a48c5166e6

June 2020

The Graph Network: https://thegraph.com/blog/the-graph-network-in-depth-part-1
The Graph (GRT) has raised $5 m: https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-ventures-invests-in-5m-token-sale-for-ethereum-data-firm-the-graph
Balancer Liquidity Mining: https://medium.com/balancer-protocol/proposing-balancer-liquidity-mining-cab4503972fa
Chainlink on AMM and Bancor V2: https://blog.chain.link/challenges-in-defi-how-to-bring-more-capital-and-less-risk-to-automated-market-maker-dexs/
Ready Layer Two: https://thedailygwei.substack.com/p/ready-layer-two-the-daily-gwei-11
Plsma with OMG: https://omg.network/omg-network-scales-ethereum/
L2 Synthetix Exchange meets the OVM: https://medium.com/ethereum-optimism/synthetix-exchange-meets-the-ovm-2de3a572d6df
Nexus Mutal Member Upgraded Staking: https://medium.com/nexus-mutual/pooled-staking-is-here-b201d10264e5
Nexus Mutal Member Vote: https://medium.com/nexus-mutual/new-governance-proposals-are-in-place-to-enable-key-milestones-on-our-roadmap-c1cbb6ec0d4e
How to create WETH on testnet: How to wrap ETH to WETH (on testnet or even mainnet)
WETH: https://blog.0xproject.com/canonical-weth-a9aa7d0279dd
Bancor V2 internals: https://blog.bancor.network/calculating-dynamic-reserve-weights-in-bancorv2-538b901bcac4
Edgeware Staking: https://medium.com/figment-networks/how-to-stake-your-edgeware-on-the-polkadot-explorer-9f9ac6699543
WIRECARD – THE “GERMAN ENRON” & A VERY PERSONAL HISTORY 2008-2020: https://valueandopportunity.com/2020/06/19/wirecard-the-german-enron-a-very-personal-history-2008-2020/
$100 lending test on different lending plattforms: https://defiprime.com/stablecoins-lending-experiment
Chainlink Oracle for gas: https://feeds.chain.link/fast-gas-gwei
The good old ICO way, partnership = some email exchange: https://thedefiant.substack.com/p/coinbase-not-aware-of-partnership
Setup of Custom Market Maker: https://docs.gnosis.io/protocol/docs/tutorial-cmm/
Custom Market Maker for Gnosis Protocol: https://docs.gnosis.io/protocol/docs/intro-cmm/
Detailed Risk for Token by Aave: https://docs.aave.com/risk/asset-risk/risks-per-currency
Risk for Token by Aave: https://defirate.com/aave-risk-framework/
Kyber on Bancor V2: https://blog.bancor.network/announcing-kyber-network-crystal-knc-as-a-bancor-v2-launch-pool-b74170f259df
Zurück zum Gold?: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1250429894762172418.html
Sentiment for some Chains/Project in June 2020 (a booring read) https://insights.santiment.net/read/5879
What is substrat (a SDK): https://www.parity.io/what-is-substrate/
Liquidity Mining: https://ethereumprice.org/newsletter/liquidity-mining-bubble-will-eclipse-the-ico-craze/
$COMP and liqudity mining: https://twitter.com/SpartanBlack_1/status/1274148656673746945?s=20
Ethereum Block Gas Limit discussion: https://twitter.com/peter_szilagyi/status/1273921434700730369
Blockchain Regulierung in der Schweiz: https://www.moneycab.com/finanz/nationalrat-setzt-bessere-rahmenbedingungen-fuer-blockchain/
Zksync Mainnet: https://medium.com/matter-labs/zksync-is-live-bringing-trustless-scalable-payments-to-ethereum-9c634b3e6823
Bitcoin Mnemonics GPU Brute Force: https://medium.com/@johncantrell97/how-i-checked-over-1-trillion-mnemonics-in-30-hours-to-win-a-bitcoin-635fe051a752
Bancor Hack: https://medium.com/@1inch.exchange/bancor-network-hack-2020-3c71444fd59d
Bancor Hack: https://blog.bancor.network/bancors-response-to-today-s-smart-contract-vulnerability-dc888c589fe4


More on returns on Uniswap https://medium.com/@pintail/understanding-uniswap-returns-cc593f3499ef
Uniswap and impermanent loss: https://medium.com/@pintail/uniswap-a-good-deal-for-liquidity-providers-104c0b6816f2
dutchx stats, now defunct: https://dutchx-stats.now.sh/
Tracking the Tether (USDT) risk premium: http://www.untether.space/

History of hacks and incident in the crypto space

Bancor Hack (2020-06-16)

Short Version: A public call in the smart contract allowed anybody to withdraw token from the contract. The problem is not the function being public, the allowed input type has been set too general. Bancor did a white hat attack to withdraw all funds. Funds were lost by front running bots, not by hacker. Maybe part of it will be returned for a bug bounty.

What I think about this

It's crazy that an audit did not reveal this, because it looks like a trivial bug/mistake to me. It's not about logical problems, it's about allwod input type, if I am right (Not a smart contract dev myself). Bancor did fix this bug at June 13. It looks like the code fragment was introduced in one step, so like copy/past from another source?

Commit which introduced the bug:

Fix: https://github.com/bancorprotocol/contracts-solidity/commit/47d8663d720d49aed55710039875070d514baca4

At risk: $455,349
Lost: $135,229, not by the smart contract failure, but by some front running bot during white hat attack.
Solved: White hat attack and new contraced deployed
Code: https://github.com/bancorprotocol/contracts-solidity/blob/d4b1dc7b2e4d46a555b48ad34fd0fe235abad7b4/solidity/contracts/utility/TokenHandler.sol#L45-L47

I used these both sources for this short version:

Parity Hack (2017-11-06)

"I accidentally killed it"
